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Monthly Archives: January 2020

(Originally named the Graduate Student Award, the award was renamed in 2016 to honor the late David. G. Hartwell.)

The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts presents an annual award and stipend to the graduate student submitting the most outstanding paper at the Association’s conference. The award, and a check for $250, will be presented to the winner at the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening. Students must submit their completed paper (3500 words, excluding bibliography) and verification of student status by February 1, 2020.


1. The student will have had a paper accepted for presentation at the Conference. The paper submitted for the competition should be essentially the same as that presented at the conference. The maximum length for entries is 3500 words (about 2 pages over the recommended reading length of 8-9 pages). Students should be aware that funds are limited and that only one award will be given. The paper selected will be published in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, and therefore must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Please note that acceptance of a paper for the Conference does not guarantee an award.

2. It is the responsibility of the student to send a copy of the paper by 1 February 2020 to the 1st
VP Valorie Ebert (, as well as a copy of the letter of acceptance and verification of student status. Submissions may be in Word, RTF, or PDF format.

3. The committee is looking for clear, coherent, and interesting writing. Essays should be solidly grounded in scholarly tradition, showing awareness of previous studies and of historical and theoretical contexts. Essays may use any suitable method of analysis, including historical and sociological approaches as well as those that originate in literary theory. Essays will be evaluated for their originality and quality of insight into the text.

The judges for the 2020 award will be:
Dr Mark Bould, UWE, Frenchay Campus
Chrissie Mains, Managing Editor, JFA
Kathryn Hume, Emerita Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English, Penn State University


When: March 18–21, 2020

Where: Marriott Orlando Airport Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA

Guest Scholar: Stacy Alaimo, University of Oregon

Guest Author: Jeff VanderMeer


Important: Please help the conference by staying when you can at the
conference hotel. The conference receives important perks and
concessions that rely on attendees’ staying in the conference hotel.
Please note that the room rate at the conference hotel is the same
regardless of the number of people who share it.

Info for conference hotel (Saturday and Sunday nights available only;
all else is SOLD OUT):

Info for overflow conference hotel (Sheraton Suites Orlando Airport, a
short walk from the Marriott, $169 plus tax—higher than the Marriott
but less than the rack rate): Please see the email address associated with your membership for a direct link.

Hotel questions: Contact Jeri Zulli (jerzulli AT, conference director.


Presenters, did your plans change? If you had a paper accepted but you
know you cannot attend, please let your division head know so we can
remove you from the program.

Presenters, did you review the draft program? Division heads have sent
around the draft program to presenters. Please check it for
correctness of name, institution (if relevant), and paper title;
confirm you can make the date and time of your sessions; and check to
ensure you are not double booked. We have a high proportion of
two-person panels this year that we’re keen to consolidate, so if
you’re on a two-person panel, it’s likely your date and time will
change. Corrections are due to the 1VP, Valorie Ebert (iafa.1vp AT, by January 30, 2020. Read Val’s full note online:

Sched: Our first-time use of the Sched scheduling app last year was so
successful that we are going to use it again—and we will not be
preparing the paper Pocket Program. Full-size souvenir program
booklets featuring fabulous artwork will be available as usual.


I will email around an invitation to volunteer after the final
schedule is posted online, so people can feel confident in committing
to times. Volunteering is available for registration and AV. I will
need people on Tuesday to help me prep packets and badges, so if your
schedule permits, do please come early and help out.

We pay 10 IAFA Bucks per hour spent volunteering. These may be used
for merch and meal tickets at this year’s convention, or they may be
held and put toward next year’s registration. IAFA Bucks may not be
used for this year’s registration, and they may not be used in the
book room, which is financially independent. Volunteering is a great
way for new attendees and grad students to make connections!


The purpose of the Student Caucus (SCIAFA) is to foster and promote
growth, scholarship, and fellowship among the student members of the
IAFA and to address the needs of students working in the field of the
fantastic by establishing mentoring and other programs by coordinating
efforts with the main body of the IAFA. If you are a student member of
the IAFA, you are automatically a member of SCIAFA.

The student caucus offers a mentoring program for those who are new to
IAFA. They match up students with a long-standing member of IAFA, who
will orient them and introduce them to people at the conference. To
make the mentoring program successful, we need more mentors.
Interested mentors should email Kylie Korsnack (iafa.studentcaucus2 AT Please title your email SCIAFA Mentorship
Program, and in your email, please answer the following questions:

What is your name, email address, and affiliation?
What are your main interests in the field of the fantastic?
What are your arrival and departure dates for the conference?
Are you currently planning to attend the conference reception on
Wednesday evening?*
Which role are you signing up for, mentor or mentee?

*Please inform us if your plans change!


Conference hashtag: #ICFA41
IAFA Listserv:
IAFA on Facebook:
IAFA on Twitter:
Student Caucus (SCIAFA) on Facebook:


We updated our database when we switched from a yearly membership
structure to a calendar year structure. This caused two problems.
First, some first name–last name combos got switched. This has mostly
been corrected, but if you receive a wrongly addressed email, please
let me know the correct name, and I can fix it. Second, the term of
membership is sometimes incorrect. If you notice your term is off by a
year, let me know. I’ve been changing these manually when I notice

Some folks seem to have two accounts registered under different email addresses. I can merge your two
accounts; just tell me the email address you prefer.

If you have any questions or need any help with membership renewal or
registration, please let me know. I’m here to help.

Looking forward to seeing you in March!

Karen Hellekson

IAFA Membership Registrar

iafareg AT

Dear All,

Just a quick note. You should have received a copy of the draft program from your Division Head.

If you could please check the program for the following:

1. Your name, institution, and paper title.

We have tried to make sure that everything is correct, but some formatting errors may have crept in.

2. The time and day of your sessions.

We believe that we have accommodated all the stated scheduling requests that your Division Heads forwarded (and they have already checked for these, but with a program this full, errors may have crept in); however, if there is a conflict or significant issue, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you.

3. Please also check in case you have been “double booked.”

We don’t believe anyone has been double booked, but another pair of eyes doesn’t hurt.

This year we have a number of two-person panels due to certain presenters already emailing to withdraw. We will try to consolidate some of these panels, so if you are in one of these two person sessions please be aware that the times and dates may change as we try to put your paper into a full session. If you are in a two-person session, could you please email your Division Head and the 1st VP (, and we will try to organize a full session for you.

If you could please get any responses to us by Thursday, 30th January, we would greatly appreciate it. We should then be able to get the program finalized by Monday, 3rd February. As you can see, the program this year is full of wonderful and interesting sessions. Thank you all for making the conference what it is.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Orlando.

Valorie Ebert
First Vice President, International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (

If you’ve signed up for ICFA 41 “Climate Change and the Anthropocene” already, and your hotel reservations are solid, thank you! You are all set.

For those of you who have not yet signed up, naturally get on that before late reg begins on January 31 (link:

The conference hotel, the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside, is almost sold out. If you need to cancel any of your room nights, please pull together the dates and confirmation numbers, and contact Jeri Zulli (jerzulli[at], the conference director, so she can provide rooms for those hoping to get in.

Likewise, for those of you hoping to get in, please reach out to Jeri directly.

See you in March!

–Karen Hellekson, IAFA Registrar (iafareg[at]

It is my pleasure to announce the results of the elections for the positions of Second Vice President and Public Information Officer of the IAFA.

But first, on behalf of the IAFA Executive Borad and Officers, I’d like to express our gratitude to the Election Committee for organizing them: Student Caucus Representative Wendy Wood, Registrar Karen Hellekson, and the committee Chair Immediate Past President Sherryl Vint. Our thanks also goes out to Chief Technology Officer Mike Smith for setting up the voting IT.

Most of all, thank you to all IAFA members who took time to vote in these important elections!

David M. Higgins was elected Second Vice President.

Skye Cervone was elected Public Information Officer.

Both positions are three-year terms.

Congratulations to both!

For those of you unaware of what these positions entail, see the following—and consider running in the future!

Second Vice President

The Second Vice President oversees and develops the programming track of creative guests, maintaining a current email list, contacting writers to solicit proposals, organizing sessions, and consulting the First Vice President to schedule the creative track. The Second Vice President also collects biographies and photos of the invited attending writers for publication in the program book and passes this information on to the Program Book Coordinator. The Second Vice President is elected by majority vote of the IAFA members who participate in the election.

Public Information Officer

The Public Information Officer edits and distributes promotional materials and forms publicity liaisons with other organizations where appropriate. The Public Information Officer maintains and regularly updates the website and blog, creates and distributes information from the Board such as the Call for Papers and election material, and contributes photos and promotional copy to the IAFA website. The Public Information Officer maintains and regularly updates the social media feeds, responds to inquiries via the social media feeds, and monitors the IAFA’s public image on social media. The Public Information Officer takes Executive Board minutes, disseminates them, archives them, and makes them available for archival use. The Public Information Officer is the recorder of motions and amendments at official meetings. The Public Information Officer maintains the IAFA electronic archive. The Public Information Officer is elected by majority vote of the IAFA members who participate in the election.

Dale Knickerbocker

Dear IAFA Members,

On behalf of the Board, I am happy to announce the names of the winners of our random, double-blind drawing: each name was assigned a number, the numbers were placed in a hat from which the drawing was made. The president did the drawing and filmed it. The film is available upon request.

Please remember that donations will make it possible for even more awards to be given next year!

International Scholar, $700: Megan Suttie

International Student, $700: Mark Buchanan

Domestic Scholar, $300: Sarah Mack

Domestic Student, $300: Jacob Hawk

Payment: Recipients will receive a check in the appropriate amount at the end of the conference.

I look forward to seeing you all in March!

Dale Knickerbocker

University of Toronto’s Graduate Students’ Association of Italian Studies is pleased to announce that our conference, entitled Memory and Imagination in Italian Fiction and Non-Fiction, will be held on Friday May 8th and Saturday May 9th, 2020 in the Father Madden Hall, St. Michael’s College (University of Toronto). This year, we have the pleasure to host two guests as keynote speakers, Prof. Millicent Marcus (Yale University) and Prof. Arielle Saiber (Bowdoin College).

Our conference seeks to analyze the different functions held over the centuries by memory and imagination, either in relation to each other or as distinct categories, in both works of Italian fiction and non-fiction. Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the conference theme, we also look forward to papers that demonstrate the intersection between science, psychology and literature.

The GSAIS 2020 conference accepts submissions in English and Italian. Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to the following address: Deadline for submissions is February 21st, 2020. Presentations are not to exceed 20 minutes and may be given in either Italian or English.


The Organizing Committee:
Elisabetta Carraro
Sylvia Gaspari
Benedetta Lamanna
Nattapol Ruangsri

Dept. of Italian Studies, University of Toronto

Download the CFP here: GSAIS-2020-CFP_HEADERFinal-ENGL

15th April Conference
Krakow, 23-25 April 2020
English and American Studies in the Age of Post-Truth and Alternative Reality

April Conference is a large international conference which has been organized by the Institute of English Studies at the Jagiellonian University since 1978. This triennial event provides an opportunity to bring together scholars working in various fields of English and American Studies, especially:

· British and American Literature,
· General and Applied Linguistics,
· Translation and Cultural Studies,
· Teaching English as a Second Language.

Plenary lectures at AC 15 will be delivered by the following speakers:
Susan Hunston (University of Birmingham)
Kenneth P. Minkema (Yale University)
Virginia Pulcini (Università degli studi di Torino)
Nancy Lusignan Schultz (Salem State University)
Tiffany Stern (The Shakespeare Institute)

For this anniversary edition of April Conference, the organizing committee will be pleased to accept proposals of papers on a wide variety of topics. Preference will be given to presentations which fit into the thematic sessions listed below, but other papers will also be considered. We also welcome session proposals with three or six papers connected thematically.

Thematic Sessions:
· Colonial America and Religious History
· Digital Humanities and Literary History
· Gender Studies, Masculinities Studies and Feminist Perspectives in Literature and Culture
· Southern Studies
· Medieval Studies and Medievalism
· Milton Studies in Central and Eastern Europe: The State of the Art
· Alternative Romanticisms
· Transfusions of Joyce
· Language Contact
· Contemporary Trends in Sociolinguistics
· Stance and Evaluation in Discourse
· Foreign Language Education: Tradition and New Perspectives
· Translating Worldviews and Alternative Realities

Papers are scheduled to take 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Speakers are invited to submit an abstract of ca. 200 words via the on-line system under PAPER PROPOSALS on the conference website If you would like to submit a session proposal, please send an email to Paper proposals will be reviewed anonymously and the authors will be notified about their acceptance via email. The deadline for paper proposals is January 15, 2020. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by February 15, 2020.

Early conference registration fee (available until March 1, 2020): 700 PLN.
Regular conference fee (after March 2, 2020): 800 PLN.
Doctoral students are eligible for a 150 PLN discount. For more information, please see the conference website.

Organizing Committee
dr hab. Zygmunt Mazur (Head)
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska
dr hab. Bożena Kucała
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld
dr hab. Andrzej Pawelec
dr hab. Władysław Witalisz
Conference Secretary
dr Małgorzata Cierpisz
Jagiellonian University
Institute of English Studies
Collegium Paderevianum
al. Mickiewicza 9A, 31-120 Kraków ​

Conference Hotel: We encourage you to stay at the conference hotel, as it accrues benefits to the organization. The price is the same no matter how many people share the room. The hotel has just released a number of double rooms to us.

The hotel usually sells out, so if you haven’t already, do please book immediately:

You can also find a direct link to book in the email account associated with your membership.

If you have already booked elsewhere, please consider trying to switching over to the Marriott.

Membership and registration:

Please note that the Friday Guest Scholar lunch is included with your registration fee. The other meals cost extra.

Membership term: The membership term has been changed to calendar year. If you suspect that the system did something goofy and the year is off, contact the Registrar to research and fix.

Price list (registration fee increases on January 14, 2020):

Merch: All merch is now the same price: $20 per piece. Only one size of tote will be available this year. If you realize you would prefer another piece of merch, you can freely exchange it, as there is no price difference.

Problems logging in? What if the system fails to recognize your name/e-mail combination? Don’t create a new profile. STOP and e-mail the Registration and Membership Coordinator, Karen Hellekson. She can update your info.

Are you a joint membership holder? The joint membership administrator first must pay the IAFA membership fee through her own account. Then each person must log in individually and sign up for the conference. If you need to break up a joint membership, email the Registrar, who can handle that bit of paperwork for you. Do you have a credit? (The system will tell you.) Sign up as usual, which will generate an invoice. Then STOP. Do not pay. Instead, email Karen with the invoice number and tell her to apply your credit. She will then contact you with any outstanding balance.

New Division Head: Please welcome Carrie Cole as the shadow VPAA Division Head!