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Monthly Archives: June 2013

Science-Fiction Studies* is gathering scholarly essays for a special issue on Italian Science Fiction.  The projected publication date is 2015.  Articles on this topic that would be of interest include the following themes or approaches:

–       analysis and discussion of important works of Italian SF (novels, short stories, film, comics, magazines, t.v. series, on-line journals, in the academy, etc.)

–       profiles of important Italian SF writers

–       works of SF written by authors who are considered part of the literary mainstream (e.g. Buzzati, Landolfi, Levi, Morselli, etc.)

–       the critical debate around SF in Italian culture and the academy

–       the socio-cultural impact of science fiction’s visions in Italy

Articles should be written in English, should be between 8,000 and 13,000 words (including endnotes and bibliography), and include a comprehensive bibliography.  Authors should follow Science-Fiction Studies’s formatting guidelines (see below **).

Abstracts (max. 500 words) are due on or by September 30, 2013.  They should be sent via email as an MS Word attachment, or included within the body of the email to Arielle Saiber (asaiber AT and Umberto Rossi (teacher AT


If your proposal is accepted, you will receive a message no later than October 20.  We will then need the complete article by May 31, 2014.  All submitted articles will be sent for peer-review; final acceptance will be based on reviewer reports and those of the special issue’s editors.

* For information about Science Fiction Studies see  and


** Guidelines for formatting the article:,34

The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Announces its 8th annual Jamie Bishop Memorial Award for a critical essay on the fantastic written in a language other than English. The IAFA defines the fantastic to include science fiction, folklore, and related genres in literature, drama, film, art and graphic design, and related disciplines. For more information on the award and on past winners, please see (please note the updated submission criteria, below).

Submission criteria:

·       Essays should be of high scholarly quality, as if for publication in an academic journal.

·       We consider essays from 3,000-10,000 words in length (including notes and bibliography).

·       Essays may be unpublished scholarship submitted by the author, or already published work nominated either by the author or another scholar (in which case the author’s permission should be obtained before submission).

·       Essays must have been written and (when applicable) published in the original language within the last three years prior to submission.

·       An abstract in English must accompany all submissions; an English translation of the title of the essay should also be included.

·       Only one essay per person may be submitted each year.

·       Submissions must be made electronically in Word format.

Deadline for submissions: September 1st

Prize: $250 U.S. and one year’s free membership in the IAFA to be awarded at the annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts held each March. Winning essays may be posted on the IAFA website in the original language and/or considered for publication in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts ( should they be translated into English.

Please direct all inquiries and submissions to:

Rachel Haywood Ferreira

Department of World Languages and Cultures

3102 Pearson Hall

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011 USA

Email: <rachelhf AT>