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Category Archives: Interview

Brian Aldiss: pioneer of British sci-fi

Brian Aldiss, one of the pioneers of British science fiction, has written or edited more than 100 books. He has met Dylan Thomas, John Masefield and T S Eliot, been a drinking buddy of Kingsley Amis (“Kingsley would land one in a lot of trouble, I have to say”), and shared a Jacuzzi with Doris Lessing. He spent years enduring the caprices of Stanley Kubrick as they worked on a screenplay of Aldiss’s story “Super-Toys Last All Summer Long”, a project that eventually became Steven Spielberg’s A.I. – “a lousy film,” he says.

SFWA did an interview of last year’s ICFA guest of honor and this year’s Nebula Award winner! Take a look at the SFWA website.

Guy Gavriel Kay is a Guest of Honor at our upcoming ICFA-30; so, it is fortunate timing that Alaya Dawn Johnson has conducted a recent interview. The link is here.