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Monthly Archives: June 2020

The IAFA Imagining Indigenous Futurisms Award recognizes emerging authors who use science fiction to address issues of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.

To be considered for the award, submit the following:

200-word statement with background & goals in writing SF

4,000-word maximum writing sample addressing Indigenous perspectives

Deadline: December 1, 2020

Send your materials as attachments to Professor Grace L. Dillon (

Use Word Document or PDF format

Name and Page numbers on story and bio

Double space the story and use 12-point font

Proof the work for typos and other errors.

The contest winner will be announced on the Imagining Indigenous Futurisms Facebook page at Not a member? Think about joining!

This year’s judge: acclaimed author Andrea Hairston

Her upcoming novel, due out Sept 8, 2020:

The Master of Poisons

Other Novels:

Will Do Magic for Small Change and Redwood and Wildfire

Published by Aqueduct Press at



We, the Executive Board of the International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts, affirm that systemic racism has and continues to cause the Black community in the United States to suffer inequality, oppression, and injustice, inflicting both psychological and physical violence upon them. We support and stand with the BLM movement and all those who oppose and protest racism. As an organization of professional creators, educators, and scholars, we feel we have an obligation to do our part to dismantle systemic racism in this country, to exemplify the change we wish to see. While we have always tried to be inclusive, we recognize that more is needed. The IAFA is therefore committing itself with renewed energy to racial equity in our own organizational practices; toward that end, we will be moving forward with a number of specific new initiatives to support people of color in our community. These include but are not limited to: a conference on the theme of African diasporic voices in the speculative genres, a travel grant for people of color to attend the ICFA, the formation of a Presidential Inclusivity Committee by and for marginalized groups to propose solutions for the under-representation of people of color in our organization and at our conference. Further information will be forthcoming as we proceed. We commit to actively recruiting membership, attendance and participation from organizations that represent people of color and other marginalized groups.