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We are less than a month away from ICFA 43!

Volunteers Needed

ICFA runs on volunteers. If you would like to help out with the Registration desk and/or AV, then please let us know and indicate your availability with this form: Volunteers will be compensated per hour toward their registration costs.

Program Available

The draft program for the conference can be viewed at

Virtual Presentations

Unfortunately, our conference center at ICFA is not equipped for virtual presentations, so we cannot offer the kind of hybrid conference that some other organizations have done. If you are scheduled to present, but find that you cannot attend in person, then please let us know so that we can remove you from the program. Please also look for details about the new all-virtual October Conference!

The October Conference

We will be hosting our first annual all-virtual October conference this year. Details about how to submit to this conference will be announced later this year, but they will be separate from ICFA submissions. If you find that you cannot attend ICFA after all, then you may re-submit your presentation for the October conference, but there is no guarantee of acceptance since the theme and scope may be different.

See you in March!

Emily Midkiff

IAFA Registrar