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Dear IAFA Members,

I have excellent news regarding the ICFA. We have negotiated a settlement with the hotel that is very advantageous to the IAFA: we will put down a $10,000 deposit toward next year’s conference, so the net cost for the cancellation is zero. To give you an idea just how important this is, we could have been on the hook for a $130,000 payment (not a deposit) even if they had not invoked penalty clauses, which would have been disastrous. Expect an e-mail regarding options for 2020 registration fees and credits once we have a fuller understanding of the of all the financial implications the registration credits will have on our planning for 2021. On behalf of the board, officers, and division heads, I would like to express our profound gratitude for your patience and understanding during these trying times, and for the many expressions of support we received from all of you.

The board and officers met yesterday via videoconference, and I am pleased to announce that the theme of next year’s conference will be the Anthropocene, and that the Guest Author Jeff VanderMeer and Guest Scholar Stacy Alaimo have agreed to participate. The 2021 theme will be moved to 2022. The guests for the 2021 conference, have very graciously agreed to the postponement.

We will continue to update you as the situation evolves but, rest assured, we will survive.

From all of us, please stay safe and well!


Dale Knickerbocker
IAFA President