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CfP: Tolkien and Jackson Fan Studies Special Issue (06-15-2017)

Articles on fan studies scholarship on any aspect of fan production, creation, or activities relating to J. R. R. Tolkien’s Legendarium and/or Peter Jackson’s live-action film adaptations of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are invited for a special theme issue of The Journal of Tolkien Research (JTR). First drafts will be reviewed by the editors; final drafts be submitted for double-blind peer review.

Deadline for submission to editors: June 15, 2017 (Proposal or First Drafts)

Deadline for submission to JTR: October 30, 2017 (Final Drafts)

Co-editors: Katherine Larsen klarsen@gwu.ed
Robin Anne Reid

The Journal of Tolkien Research (JTR) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published on ValpoScholar, the publishing and institutional repository of Valparaiso University (supported by Bepress). It is an open access journal; content is published immediately once peer reviewers and editors have deemed it appropriate and ready for publication.

Authors have the right to choose which Creative Commons license is appropriate for their content (see Copyright Notice on journal’s homepage). Content will be bundled into an “issue” on a yearly basis, for the purposes of citation and library cataloging requirements. There are three ways to be published in JTR (choose appropriate area when submitting):

1. Peer-Reviewed Article (these articles are double-blind peer reviewed)
2. Article (these articles are editor-reviewed)
3. Conference Paper (papers in this section are not peer reviewed; this section is designated for those who wish to share their Tolkien-related conference papers with the broader community; Creative Commons license/appropriate citation applies for those who wish to cite or quote)

Aims & Scope
The Journal of Tolkien Research (JTR) has the goal of providing high-quality research and scholarship based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) and on transformative and derivative texts based on his work to a wide and diverse audience. The journal therefore offers the opportunity to all scholars working in and on Tolkien research to publish their original research articles in an open access and widely-distributed high quality peer-reviewed scholarly journal.