Panel: The Impact of War on Science Fiction or Fantasy Literature
Northeast Modern Language Association
March 17-20, 2016
Hartford, CT
Paper Proposal/ Abstract deadline: September 25th, 2015
Various wars have had a profound impact on many utopian, dystopian and apocalyptic science fiction and fantasy writers. For example, the repercussions of the Civil War were one of the factors of late nineteenth century society in America reflected in the “non-combative” revolution of Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward: 2000-1887. In addition, war or the aftermath of war figures strongly in various novels and stories of Philip Dick, Marge Piercy, and Ursula Le Guin, among others. It seems that world events, many tumultuous, are reflected in some of their dystopian tales. Discussing the effect of war and the possibility of annihilation on literature, including early writers such as Lord [George Gordon] Byron who wrote the poem “Darkness” reflecting the end of the world after total annihilating warfare implies the need to perhaps use writing as a catharsis. The focus of this panel is to indicate the effect of war on literature at various periods in history.
Please e-mail your 200-250 word paper proposal/ abstract, subject line: War-SciFi Panel before 9/25/15. Please send your proposal as an attached MS Word, doc or docx. In the body of your message, please include your proposal title, your name, affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail address and send to: Annette Magid <<>>.
Proposers need not be members of NeMLA to submit, but panelists must be members in order to present.