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Submission Guidelines

  1. Only original plays never before produced are eligible.
  2. Plays must contain a fantastical element.
  3. The play, exclusive of title and cast pages, may be no more than ten pages. This means 7-10 pages in 12-point font. Longer plays will not be considered.
  4. The play should have minimal props and costumes.
  5. Assemble script as follows:
    • The first page is a title page with the play’s title, author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. (This is the only place the author’s name should appear.)
    • The second page should contain a cast of characters and time and place information.
    • The third page will be the first page of the script. The other pages of the play follow.
    • The name of the play and the page number should appear on every page.
  6. The play’s running time must be 10 minutes or less.
  7. Only the top three finalists will be notified of judging results. All plays are judged through a blind submission process by a panel of judges. The top three finalists will be notified by February 1. The judges reserve the right to choose fewer than three finalists.
  8. Authors agree to permit the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts to produce a directed reading of their contest-entry play if the conference should wish to do so. Authors retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.
  9. Deadline: Submissions must be received by midnight October 31.
  10. Submissions should be sent as Word-compatible e-mail attachments to the IAFA 2nd Vice President:

Sydney Duncan

Download this call for submissions!