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July 2

Tosi Abegbija–“Internet of Things and Beyond”

Tosi is an amazing Prof. of electrical engineering at the Univ. of Arizona. He is back by popular demand. Plot material for SF is found repeatedly in what Tosi brings to our meetings.

Aug. 6 

Ben Kuipers–
Ben is a Prof. of Electrical Engineering at Univ. of Michigan. A longtime reader of SF. He investigates robotic knowledge, including knowledge of space, dynamical change, objects, and actions. He is currently investigating ethics as a foundational domain of knowledge for robots and other AIs that may act as members of human society.

Sep. 3

No meeting—ChiCon in session World Con in Chicago, IL

Oct. 1

David Gunkel and Ben Kuipers—“Can and Should ‘Bots have personhood, rights, and responsibilities?”
Dr. Gunkel is an Asst. Prof. Media Studies, M. Illinois Univ., so he comes to this through the lens of legal personhood, philosophical issues, and the now vexing questions that autonomous Internet of Things poses.

Nov. 5

Shane Larsen—“Astrobiology and You” (working title)
Teaches Astronomy at Northwestern University

Dec. 3

Urvashi Kuhad—“Four Indian Women SF Writers” 

She teaches in English Dept. of Univ. of Delhi.


Jan.  7

Mike Jansen—Dutch SF writer. Topic TBA. 


Feb. 4

Jack Dann—“On Working in Cultural Intersections and Markets” 

Much-awarded SF writer, Jack Dann works and lives in Australia, these days.


Mar. 4th

Christina Becher—“Traveling Plants in German SF Literature”

Christina is in German Lit Studies and is finishing her Ph.D. at Cologne Univ.


April 1



May 6

Sandi Petroshius—“Virtual Views of the RBEM” by Sandi, Dir. of the Ray Bradbury Experience Museum in Waukegan, IL. Not a “Great Man” Museum but something to help us learn how Ray drew upon his creative and imaginative potential.

This content comes from Dr. Gloria Lee McMillan ( of the Tucson Hard-Science SF Group: