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If you plan on attending our symposium and you have not yet booked your hotel room yet, please do so before September 1 or you will miss out on our special rate.

As you know, your registration is all inclusive for the symposium, including the food functions: Friday reception, Saturday lunch, and Sunday continental breakfast. Weather permitting, lunch on Saturday will be served outside in the bar area. If you know that you will not be attending the lunch, please let Jeri know at This will save IAFA from paying for meals that are then wasted. If you have any Saturday lunch restrictions (other than vegetarian or gluten free), please reach out to Jeri at no later than Aug 15. The buffet will be similar to our ICFA lunches, so there will be gluten free as well as vegetarian options.

We are monitoring the Covid situation in Orlando and are cautiously optimistic that the symposium will go on as scheduled. We are in regular contact with the Marriott about their own virus protocols, and we are instituting our own, as well. For example, we are adding a rider to our Code of Conduct that addresses convening in the age of Covid; also, we have requested that the hotel set chairs three feet apart in all meeting rooms. If you are interested to know about the hotel’s protocols for virus safety, you can find that information here:

Please note that we can only provide refunds for cancellations until September 5th. You can cancel your registration from your profile on

Emily Midkiff

IAFA Registrar