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Monsters with a Thousand Faces: Adaptations of Literary Horrors

deadline for submissions:
January 13, 2017

full name / name of organization:
Joseph J. Darowski and John Darowski

contact email:

The editors of Monsters with a Thousand Faces: Adaptations of Literary Horrors are seeking abstracts for essays that could be included in the upcoming collection. This collection will feature essays focused on adaptations of characters that first appeared in a traditional novel or short stories. The adaptations can be in any other form of media (film, television, radio drama, comic books, stage play, etc.) or even be an appropriation of the original character into a new novel.

Among the monsters we are hoping to see included in the collection are:


-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

-The Invisible Man


-Monsters from mythology

-Monsters from Fairy Tales

Note: The editors already have several essay on Frankenstein and it is unlikely that any new essays on adaptations of this text will be accepted.

Essays can explore themes related to adaptation theory or another angle, such as a New Historicist reading associated with when the adaptation was produced.

The completed essays should be approximately 15-20 double-spaced pages.

Abstracts (100-500 words) and CVs should be submitted by Friday, January 13, 2017.

Please submit via email to