9th and 10th August: Nine Worlds Geekfest at the Raddison Heathrow: https://nineworlds.co.uk/2014/tickets
11-13th August Science Fiction Foundation Masterclass.
14th-18th August Worldcon in London http://www.loncon3.org
20th August Bujold Conference, Anglia Ruskin Cambridge: http://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/node/52317
21st August: Irradiating the Object: M. John Harrison Warwick University (UK)
22nd-23rd August: SF/F Now (A.Rhys.Williams@warwick.ac.uk
22nd-24th August Shamrokon (the Eurocon): http://www.shamrokon.ie/
5th-7th September British Fantasy Con: http://www.fantasycon2014.org/
5th & 6th September Diana Wynne Jones conference, Newcastle: http://conferences.ncl.ac.uk/dwj/conferenceprogramme/