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We are currently seeking additional chapters to broaden two collections of essays that address time travel in the media. The collections, to be published by McFarland, will be edited by Joan Ormrod (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Matthew Jones (UCL).


The first collection addresses time travel as a genre, including its history, narratives, tropes and cultural contexts. The second addresses the philosophical and theoretical concepts that underpin and are utilized by time travel stories.


We are interested in a broad range of media formats, including but not limited to film, television, video games, new media, comics, radio, anime and manga.


The collections are aimed at:


• undergraduate and postgraduate students in film and media, cultural studies, philosophy, social sciences, history and science programmes.


• science fiction and fantasy fandoms


We are currently inviting 500-word proposals for 5000-7000 word chapters.


We received an incredibly positive response to our first call for papers and are now seeking to fill a number of clearly defined gaps in the collections. As such, we are interested in chapters that address:


– Philosophical, theoretical and scientific approaches to time travel.


– Time travel in various cultures:


  • manga, anime and/or broader Asian popular culture texts.
  • Time travel in Bollywood and/or broader Indian culture.
  • Non-Western cultures – eg Latin America.
  • Western cultures beyond the US and the UK, such as Australia, Europe and Canada.



– Case studies of specific time travel texts within either their socio-cultural or theoretical and philosophical contexts.


Proposals and a 50-word biography should be sent to


Deadline: 14th September 2013