For a panel on the academic track at Loncon3 – the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention:
Science/Speculative and Fantasy fiction are genres in which many things (arguably anything) is possible. This ought to include exploring alternatives to normative and heteronormative representations of sexuality, sexual identities, practices and activities. On this panel our aim will be to consider how, why and to what extent these non-realist genres push the boundaries of representation relating to sexuality. Proposals are invited for academic papers on topics including, but not limited to:
Sex and relationships in SF&F
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer and Asexual representation in SF&F
LGBQA authors of SF&F
Queer SF&F
BDSM in/and SF&F
Alternative Sexualities in SF&F
Relationships between SF&F and queer theory and politics
Authorial responsibility regarding representation of sexualities, sexual identities, practices and activities
Potentials and possibilities for non-normative representations of sexualities in SF&F
In particular, papers are sought on the work of the guests of honour for Loncon3 – Iain M. Banks, John Clute, Malcolm Edwards, Chris Foss, Jeanne Gomoll, Robin Hobb and Bryan Talbot.
Please send a 300 word abstract and brief biography to by December 1st 2013.
Dr Jude Roberts
Associate Lecturer
London Semester Programme
Birkbeck College
University of London