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To ALL 2012 Banquet Goers who were unfortunate enough to order the chicken

The new General Manager of the Orlando Airport Marriott, Chris Donahue came on board only a few days before IAFA 2012, and as a result had to deal with the banquet chicken disaster. Not only has he profusely apologized for this year’s terrible chicken entrees, but he has also taken significant, concrete steps to make amends and to assure IAFA and you that this situation will not be repeated. First and most immediate, he has refunded the cost of all the chicken dinners. The IAFA will in its turn issue to every conferee who purchased a 2012 chicken dinner banquet ticket, a coupon good for one banquet ticket for either 2013 or 2014. (We will not extend the date further because we really cannot carry such a large financial liability for more than two years.) Second, the GM will hire a new chef to work exclusively with our conference next year to make sure that every IAFA function measures up to Marriott’s high standards, as happened in 2011 when we had an excellent Guest Chef from Marriott headquarters. Third, in an addendum to our 2013-2015 contract he has put in writing that should the hotel fail to live up to our expectations that we may impose financial penalties and/or abrogate the contract.

I hope you will agree with me that this is a handsome settlement of a terrible condition and will join me in giving the new GM every opportunity to show that this hotel’s Banquet functions will indeed match the excellence of the superb staff and the fine facility.

Donald Morse
IAFA Conference Chair