Call for nominations.
The following positions are open for election.
- President
- First Vice President
- Second Vice President
- Public Information Officer
Nominations are now open and will close on Friday 7th December.
You may nominate yourself, or be nominated by others. Nominations will be confirmed and nominees requested to send in a statement for circulation by December 14th.
All position are for three years. Officers may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in the same role.
The electronic ballot will open on 21st December and close on 25th January
The Election Committee will count the ballots immediately after the 25th January deadline, and if no candidate has a clear majority (51% or more), a run-off election will be held between the two candidates who have received the most votes. The run-off election will be conducted promptly, with appropriate announcements, and with ballots being distributed by 10 February, and with a final vote deadline of 1 March of the election year.
The Election Committee will announce results of the election at the IAFA business meeting during the annual conference of the election year, with additional announcements in appropriate IAFA venues thereafter.
Positions open for election.
Qualifications: The President should have served a term on the Board as either an elected or appointed officer
Role: The President is the chief executive officer, responsible for directing and coordinating all functions of the organization, including the annual conference, the quarterly journal, other sponsored publications, the Awards Program, and public relations of all kinds. The President sets the agenda for, and presides at, all meetings of the Executive Board and the annual Business meeting at the ICFA. The President is also the chief planning officer, responsible for setting agendas in all Association projects. The President oversees the work of the other officers, recruits special guests, seeks institutional support, confirms non-elected Board members, etc. The President is elected by majority vote of the membership of IAFA.
The President serves an additional three years as a voting member of the Board in the capacity of Immediate Past President in which capacity s/he is responsible for the organization of elections.
First Vice President:
Role: The First Vice-President coordinates the ICFA Program, overseeing the work of the Division Heads and scheduling paper sessions, and the Annual Conference Program. The First Vice-President also consults with the President concerning appearances by special guests in panels, readings, and lectures, and with the Conference Chair about physical arrangements such as AV equipment, room assignments, etc. The First Vice-President substitutes for the President when necessary. The First Vice-President is elected by majority vote of the membership of the IAFA.
Send Vice President:
Role: The Second Vice-President oversees and develops the programming track of published creative writers, maintaining a current email list, contacting writers to solicit proposals, organizing sessions, and consulting with the First Vice-President to schedule the creative track. The Second Vice-President also oversees the IAFA Graduate Student Award including: advertising the award, organizing and chairing the prize committee, and collecting and forwarding submissions to the committee for a blind reading process. The Second Vice-President is elected by majority vote of the membership of the IAFA.
Public Information Officer:
Role: This officer edits and distributes promotional materials and forms publicity liaisons with other organizations where appropriate. The Public Information Coordinator maintains and regularly updates the website and weblog, creates and distributes information from the Board such as the Call for Papers and election material, and contributes photos and promotional copy to the IAFA website. The Public Information Coordinator takes Executive Board minutes, disseminates them, archives them, and makes them available for archival use. The Public Information Coordinator is the recorder of motions and amendments at official meetings. The Public Information Coordinator is elected by majority vote of the membership of the IAFA.