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“Performing the Fantastic” — special issue of the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
Jen Gunnels, Drama Critic/ New York Review of Science Fiction Isabella van Elferen, Musicologist/ Utrecht University

The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (JFA) is inviting contributions for a special issue on “Performing the Fantastic.” Performance in this context encompasses any of the performing arts, broadly defined, such as theatre, music, dance, magic, and/or ritual. Articles between 5,000–9,000 words might address, but are by no means limited to, the following:

  • Critical analyses of fantastic influenced production designs of traditional forms of performance (theatre, dance, opera)
  • Critical analyses of adaptations of fantastic narratives for the stage (from eighteenth-century Gothic melodrama to Wagnerian opera to musical fantasy)
  • Performance analyses of staged productions (theatre, music, dance) utilizing fantastic subjects or motifs
  • Fantastic use of performative conventions in non-staged (e.g., literary or interactive) narratives
  • Utilization of the fantastic in musical subcultures and their aesthetics (including Goth, metal, neofolk)
  • Fantastic influences on avant-garde and postmodern performance
  • Fantastic performance as social and/or cultural commentary
  • Evocations of the fantastic in magic, ritual, and liturgical performance

In accordance with the journal’s policy, all contributions will be peer-reviewed by JFA and subject to their acceptance. JFA uses MLA style as defined in the latest edition of MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (New York: The Modern Language Association). For more details, please see the journal’s “Submission Guidelines” section online at, or e-mail to request a copy of JFA’s style sheet. Please e-mail your contributions and/or any queries to the guest editors Jen Gunnels ( and Isabella van Elferen ( by 1 August 2012.